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少年体育 2022-10-01 15:07:02


Many a man a man love football.

They can because women date unpunctual and indignantly departed, but in front of the TV

Stay up a move for the game.

For love of man, the World Cup soccer is undoubtedly an addictive drug. When the

The efficacy of poison began to utility, men will be to "her" mad. But the woman,

At this time because the poison and dark. Buddha: read a language, a paradise to hell!!!

Heaven and hell, the World Cup is an idea away in the "third party" is a man's days

Hall is women's hell. In the world of man's poison, their happiness in "her"

Bring heaven ", "they will wander because" her "happy or sad or even cry, they

Because she and temporarily forget all sorts of work and life, they will "she"

Time to kan welkin. Because this is a rebirth of the four men "third party"

The thoughts and waiting with pain, "when" meet "day", tryst because they will

"She" and willing to work but not the boss scolded, they will "because she reluctantly.

Bubble in a bar to the house, they will fluffier woman because she "and" hold "with electricity

Depending on your lover is not.

Someone said, "the third World Cup" when, a woman is like a church nuns

And pray for rebirth. This period of woman, without men chaperone,

To go shopping alone, This period of women without men enjoy, to each. When this

The woman not to period of her own cooking, chat, the husband for housework alone... total

This period of the woman is like a cloud, the beauty of loneliness is painful, and to bear

The World Cup.

Because of this, the woman that hate the World Cup?

No, think about the "third party", is only after a month after man

For his "poisoning" during the cold for you apologize to you, and a delicious dinner.

A bunch of beautiful flowers or a can of madness shopping wayward waving to you.

After all, football is not all of life, women are still in the course of life or not man

The lack of a woman forever, they fled the tender does not fall "trap". But, the "first

Three "stolen" poisoning "four men, men only once in the short one month

Can thoroughly and within the television broadcast, beer, fans, to do all the other absent-minded,

The heart is looking forward to the next game hard, abandon the trouble of the life, so, let a man

The "romantic" what time! The passion of June, might as well to a football "

Will ".



阿根廷 , 我不为你哭泣 时间定格在体育场 , 阿根廷的战士正在和德国队顽强拼搏,我的心很痛 ,因为时间已经一分一秒的走过,比分落后。渐渐地, 胜利的希望慢慢消失,我知道你已经无法再战斗下去,阿根廷你就这样结束了自己的世界杯之旅, 但是 ,我不为你哭泣。 从马拉多纳捧起大力神杯的那一刻起,我就喜欢上了阿根廷,一代球王马拉多纳曾经一个人,单枪匹马拯救球队 ,他连过五人,我为他而骄傲自豪,他的球技不知令多少人所折服,令多少人惊叹不已。而他却以一种令人遗憾的方式结束自己的足球生涯,那就是被禁赛。 我哭了,为他的遗憾而叹息, 为他的禁赛感到伤心难过。 时间飞逝而过,转眼又到了今年的南非世界杯,马拉多纳又回来,他带着梅西和他的阿根廷队,又回来了 。比赛开始前, 阿根廷是夺冠大热门,今年的阿根廷人员齐整,又有新球王梅西的穿针引线,实力强大。我和阿根廷紧紧站在一起,和马拉多纳· 和梅西在一起,心里只有一个期望 阿根廷能够夺得冠军. 阿根廷的确没有让我失望,小组赛3战全胜,我欢欣鼓舞 ,淘汰赛战胜墨西哥,就这样一路高歌猛进。 加油 !!阿根廷 。 更加激烈的比赛来临了,下一场对阵德国,我一直坐在电视机前看着比赛, 时间一分一秒的过了比分还是没有被缩小,梅西的突破被德国队员一次一次的阻止,迪马里亚的传中也被破坏 ,终于,随着裁判的哨响,比赛结束了,阿根廷输了。 阿根廷,我不为你哭泣。 人生都会有失意的时候,你在我心中一直是最好的,加油吧!2014年巴西世界杯 你一定会夺冠!!! 以上作文属于自创 希望我的回答能对你有所帮助




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